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Develop your own Agent


We don't advise creating your own agent, as the current Lock agent is already a good compromise for spam control.

To create a new agent, it's quite simple, almost like creating a detection:

  • Use CopCommand to suffix your command.
  • Add a self.form to define your cop settings (or nil if no settings are needed).
  • Use these different attributes:
    • suspicious_user - the user who has done something wrong.
    • admin_reporter - an admin user used only to report spam.
    • reportable - the resource that has been reported.
    • errors - an ActiveRecord error, to forbid saving (see Working With Validation Errors in Rails Guides).
class CustomCopCommand < Decidim::SpamSignal::Cops::CopHandler
def self.form

def call
suspicious_user.lock_access! # or do whatever with the admin

Settings follow the same logic, including i18n fields:

  • decidim.spam_signal.cops.custom.description
  • decidim.spam_signal.forms.custom.custom_settings_form.foo_enabled

To register it in an initializer:


You will find the term cop in the code to refer to an agent.
This is provocative on purpose: participation must be as inclusive as possible, and restricting participation is BAD.
You are warned—be your own cop.