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Develop your own Detection

A detection is made up of two classes: a Command class and a Form class (for settings).

For the Command class, here are some restrictions:

  • You need to define a form for a Decidim::Form class, with an absolute ::<name> namespace. You will run into memory allocation issues if you don't.
  • You need to suffix your command with the ScanCommand name. This is a convention we use to avoid configuration overrides.
  • The call must broadcast :ok or one of the output_symbols defined.
class CustomScanCommand < Decidim::SpamSignal::Scans::ScanHandler
def self.form
def self.output_symbols
def call
return broadcast(:foo) if config["foo_enabled"]

For Settings:

  • You need to include the module Decidim::SpamSignal::SettingsForm to make everything work.
  • We have special naming rules for your attributes:
    • If it starts with is_ or ends with _enabled, it will generate a checkbox.
    • If it ends with _csv, it will generate a textarea.
    • The rest follows Decidim's default form builder conventions.

class CustomSettingsForm < Decidim::Form
include Decidim::SpamSignal::SettingsForm
attribute :foo_enabled, Boolean, default: false
# You can add validation here ;)

Now, you can register your command in an initializer:

Decidim::SpamSignal::Scans::ScansRepository.instance.register(:custom, ::CustomScanCommand)

And set the i18n fields:

  • decidim.spam_signal.scans.custom.description
  • decidim.spam_signal.forms.custom.custom_settings_form.foo_enabled
  • And one key per output:
    • decidim.spam_signal.scans.outputs.whatever_is_your_detection_output